Plans for Reopening (Updated)


Update May 1, 2021

We have reopened!


5303 Comercio Ln. 
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Reservations are required to enter our spa.
Please call 818-888-1484 for an appointment.


Update April 16, 2021

At last! We are planning to reopen May 1, 2021 and our reception staff will be available to schedule spa reservations via telephone beginning April 21, 2021. Just call 818-888-1484.

Please stay tuned for more info. We will send out a newsletter with all the details shortly. Join our mailing list at the bottom of our website to make sure you don't miss it! 

In the meantime, we're using this time to ensure our staff is ready to return and all safety procedures are installed. We're making every effort to ensure a safe and happy return to the spa. We can't wait to see you!

-Bonnie Best & Staff




Are you ever going to reopen?

YES! We are currently closed by order of the county of LA which does not allow any businesses that offer Personal Services to operate indoors. The rules and regulations are constantly evolving, but we are following all updates. See here for more info (Reopening_PersonalCare.pdf (

We have been serving our community in the same location for 21 years and have every intention to reopen. Our reception area was completely remodeled just a few weeks before the forced closure in March of 2020. We never would have anticipated this extended lapse in our ability to operate the spa.


Why don’t you answer your phone?

The financial impact of not being able to open/operate our small business has led us to a few cost-saving measures, including pausing the utilities and telephone service at the spa until we can resume our daily operations again. If you need to contact us, please email:

Why have all the spa services been removed from your website?

Prior to the closure, we were already in the process of redoing the website. In order to simplify things, we've temporarily hidden the pages with our spa services. Rest assured, the services menu will be replaced as soon as we are authorized to open again.

While the spa is closed, the only source of income we are able to generate is through the online sale of our skincare products. It is in no way a replacement for the day spa, but it is helping to ensure that we can afford to reopen again. Thanks so much for your continued support.


Previous Updates:

Update March 26, 2021

We are tentatively planning to reopen the spa by May 1, 2021.

Los Angeles is currently in the "Red Tier" which allows more businesses to reopen, however there are still restrictions on Personal Care Establishments that prohibit many of our primary services. As of this update, Facials are not allowed because they require customers to remove their mask while in close proximity to employees. We are hoping the increased availability of vaccines will allow us to safely reopen by our target date of May 1, but we will keep this space updated as we get more information.

As always, we thank you for your patience and support. It's been quite a year and we are so eager to see your faces again, soon!

More info from the Department of Health can be found here: 
Reopening_PersonalCare.pdf (

Update  7/24/2020 

Due to the recent restrictions regarding Personal Care Establishments in LA County, we are prohibited from resuming indoor operations at this time. Best Face & Body Day Spa will NOT be reopening on August 1 as we were hoping and planning for.

There is no projected date for reopening at this time, but we look forward to the day when our staff and clients can return to the spa safely. Thank you for your patience and understanding. For more information, LA County updates are available here: 


Saturday, August 1, 2020

YAY! We are so excited to start reopening procedures. Our desk staff will begin taking appointments when our phones and internet are reconnected at the spa on July 27th. New hours and days of operation will be announced in the upcoming weeks. 

The health and safety of our clients and staff is our highest priority and we will proceed with an abundance of caution. Our spa has always held strong disinfection and cleanliness practices, but we’ve expanded our methods of protection in accordance with the County of LA Public Health guidelines for reopening. We will continue to adapt and change as necessary.

What Clients Should Know:

  • All services will be by appointment only.
  • Please arrive on time and alone (or only with other members of your party who also have an appointment scheduled). 
  • Clients must wear a mask or face covering in common areas and adhere to physical distancing protocols (6 ft apart please).
  • Please call to let us know if you have any symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath) prior to arriving for your appointment.
  • Our website is the best place to order products without an appointment for treatment (, however, we can arrange curbside pickup for customers who call ahead first.

What Safety Measures We Are Implementing With Staff:

  • Daily Symptom Checks are conducted on staff before starting work (checks for fever, cough, shortness of breath). Any sick employees or anyone exposed to someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 are asked to remain at home.
  • Staff will wear face masks when interacting with others and have been trained on proper handwashing and disinfection procedures.
  • Aestheticians and massage therapists will wear gloves, masks, and face shields when working closely with customers.
  • All treatment rooms and devices are sanitized after each use.
  • Common areas will be disinfected frequently and disinfection stations will be installed.

For any further questions please email 


-And Staff



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